Do you suffer from nocturia?
I used to get up, 3-4 times a night, every night to pee and the quality of my sleep really suffered. As a result I will be quite drowsy in the course of the day.
Here is a simple remedy that works for me.
First, I will describe a Japanese research finding that pointed out a cause of nocturia and which suggested a simple remedy. Their suggested remedy is not quite practical for me but the research finding got me thinking.
I will then describe my own experience and my own simple remedy which works for me. I now have a full night of uninterrupted sleep for a week now, since I began this simple technique. I hope it works for you too.
Japanese researchers found that we have a second “bladder”… our lower legs particularly the calves. There is a lot of water retention in our lower legs which then flows back into our urinary bladder at night when we lie down. Yoshida Masaki, the Assistant Director of the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology advised raising the feet for about 30 minutes each afternoon to reduce the water retention so that we pee in the afternoon/evening before we go to sleep.
That does not seem practical for me. Then I recall that I hardly go to the toilet when I am on a long overnight flight. So I suppose that when I sleep in the airplane seat with my feet lower than my bladder, the water retained in the calves do not flow back to the urinary bladder.
Now I sleep semi-upright in my favourite TV couch with my feet lower down. For 5 straight nights now, I have slept right through the night without getting up to pee. See the photos on how I sleep every night now.